Native data-type class: Use of polyphorphism and inheritence

One class for each native Python data-type (example:  MyInteger, MyFloat, MyString…). These classes are not substitute of the Python data-types, but they simply provide a template to display the data always as a string in the format of: ‘<data-type> : <value>’
@author: srinivasa
class _MyBase:
    def __init__(self, template, value):
        print template %value

class MyInteger(_MyBase):
    _template = 'integer : %d'

    def __init__(self, value):
        _MyBase.__init__(self, self._template, value)        

class MyString(_MyBase):
    _template = 'string : "%s"'

    def __init__(self, value):
        _MyBase.__init__(self, self._template, value)

if __name__ == '__main__':   
    stringValue = MyString('Aryabhata')
    integerValue = MyInteger(123)


string : "Aryabhata"
integer : 123

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